MC-1/2025/1 |
Endorsement / Recognition of Foreign Maritime Administration Certificates of Competency |
MC-4/2024/1 |
Amendments and Related Guidance to Ballast Water Management |
MC-3/2024/1 |
Inmarsat SafetyLink Self-Service Portal |
MC-2/2024/1 |
China MSA Special Action to Prevent Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Failures on Ships |
MC-1/2024/1 |
Security Threats in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden |
MC-1/2022/1 |
Amendments of 2022 to MLC 2006 |
MC-1/2021/1 |
Guidelines on Remote Port State Control Inspection for Tokyo MOU |
MC-6/2020/1 |
Requirements for Life-saving Appliances and Equipment |
MC-5/2020/1 |
Amendments of 2018 to MLC 2006 |
MC-4/2020/1 |
Managing Statutory Surveys & Certificates, ISM, ISPS, MLC 2006 and FSI during COVID-19 |
MC-3/2020/1 |
COVID-19 Business Continuity Notice |
MC-2/2020/1 |
Extension of Seafarers’ Employment Agreement Service Period and Certificates of Endorsement due to COVID-19 |
MC-1/2020/1 |
Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) |
MC-4/2019/1 |
Guidance for Port State Control on Contingency Measure for Addressing Non-Compliant Fuel Oil (including FONAR Form) |
MC-3/2019/1 |
2019 Guidelines for Port State Control under MAPROL ANNEX VI Chapter 3 |
MC-2/2019/1 |
2019 Guidelines for Consistent Implementation of the 0.50% Sulphur Limit under MARPOL ANNEX VI |
MC-1/2019/1 |
False Piracy Information |
MC-7/2018/1 |
US Sanctions Against Syria |
MC-6/2018/1 |
Shipboard Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy |
MC-5/2018/1 |
Approval of Viking Liferaft Type S30 for Extended Service Intervals |
MC-4/2018/1 |
Guidance on the development of a ship implementation plan for the consistent implementation of the 0.50% sulphur limit under MARPOL ANNEX VI |
MC-3/2018/1 |
US Sanctions Against Iran |
MC-2/2018/1 |
IMDG Code Revised Emergency Response Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods (EmS Guide) |
MC-1/2018/1 |
Sanctions Against North Korea |
MC-7/2017/1 |
Reporting of Marine Casualties and Incidents |
MC-6/2017/1 |
IMO Advice to Port States on Required Updates of ECDIS |
MC-5/2017/1 |
Reporting of Incidents of Piracy and Armed Robbery against ships in the Gulf of Guinea |
MC-4/2017/1 |
Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management |
MC-3/2017/1 |
ECDIS Guidance for Good Practice |
MC-1/2017/1 |
Notice of Fraudulent Ship Registries & STCW Certifications |
MC-6/2016/1 |
Consideration for Certificates & Endorsements not meeting 2010 Manila Amendments from 1 January 2010 |
MC-5/2016/1 |
Implementation of Electronic Certificates for Vessels |
MC-4/2016/1 |
Changes to the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate |
MC-3/2016/1 |
Ballast Water Management Convention |
MC-2/2016/1 |
Mobile Offshore Unit (MOU) Safety Certificate |
MC-1/2016/1 |
Amendments of 2014 to MLC 2006 |
MC-3/2015/1 |
Electronic Certificates of Endorsement |
MC-2/2015/1 |
Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007 |
MC-1/2015/1 |
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) |
MC-2/2014/1 |
Recovery of Persons from Water |
MC-1/2014/1 |
Revision of Minimum Safe Manning Certificate |
MC-8/2013/1 |
Procedures for Lay Up |
MC-7/2013/1 |
Reminder for Security Related Training for Seafarers |
MC-6/2013/1 |
Reporting of Inadequate MARPOL Port Reception Facilities |
MC-5/2013/1 |
Prevention of Garbage Pollution by Ships - Marpol Annex V |
MC-4/2013/1 |
Monitoring and Control of Oil Discharge |
MC-3/2013/1 |
Documents Required for Ship Radio Stations & Renewal of Ship Radio Station Licences |
MC-2/2013/1 |
Paris & Tokyo MOU Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery |
MC-1/2013/1 |
Energy Efficiency on Ships |
MC-28/2012/1 |
Guidelines on Stowaways |
MC-27/2012/1 |
List of Crew |
MC-26/2012/1 |
Guidance Notes for Entries for Official Log Books |
MC-25/2012/1 |
Implementation of SOLAS XV and the IP Code |
MC-24/2012/1 |
Notice of Intended Entry into Port |
MC-23/2012/1 |
Automatic Identification System (AIS) |
MC-22/2012/1 |
IMO Unique Identification Number Scheme for Ship / Company / Registered Owner |
MC-21/2012/1 |
Guidelines for Carrying out Annual/Intermediate/Renewal Surveys outside Window Period |
MC-20/2012/1 |
Anchoring in the Vicinity of Malaysia Territorial Waters |
MC-19/2012/1 |
Inmarsat Services under the Point of Service Activation (PSA) System and Radio Accounting Authorities |
MC-18/2012/1 |
Guidance on the Issuance of Multiple International Load Line Certificates |
MC-17/2012/1 |
Principles of Watchkeeping |
MC-16/2012/1 |
IMO Performance Standards for Protective Coating (PSPC) |
MC-15/2012/1 |
Record Keeping and Reporting Requirements for MARPOL |
MC-14/2012/1 |
Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) for Tuvalu Vessels |
MC-13/2012/1 |
Guidance for Implementation of Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006) |
MC-12/2012/1 |
Provisions for Seafarers Wages |
MC-11/2012/1 |
Requirements for Minimum Hours of Rest |
MC-10/2012/1 |
Onboard Complaint Procedures |
MC-9/2012/1 |
Health & Safety Issues for Seafarers under the Age of 18 and Hazardous Work |
MC-8/2012/1 |
Standards for Seafarers Recruitment and Placement Services in Non-convention Countries |
MC-7/2012/1 |
Standards for Accommodation, Recreational Facilities, Food/Catering, and Water on board Tuvalu Ships |
MC-6/2012/1 |
Guidance for Special Purpose Ships (SPSs) |
MC-4/2012/1 |
Class and Statutory Certification Requirements for Passenger Ships |
MC-3/2012/1 |
Guidance to Recognized Organizations on the Issuance of Certificates on behalf of Tuvalu |
MC-2/2012/1 |
Approval of Shipboard Equipment and Service Providers |
MC-1/2012/1 |
Guidance for Non-convention Vessels |
MC-17/2011/1 |
Systems Using Halons & Other Ozone Depleting Substances |
MC-15/2011/1 |
Requirements for Carriage of Grain |
MC-14/2011/1 |
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code & Medical Oxygen Cylinder Requirements |
MC-13/2011/1 |
Electronic Logbook and Record Book Systems |
MC-12/2011/1 |
GMDSS Radio Logbooks |
MC-11/2011/1 |
Guidelines on Safety During Abandon Ship Drills using Lifeboats |
MC-10/2011/1 |
Guidance on Application for Exemptions / Equivalencies / Dispensations / Extensions |
MC-9/2011/1 |
Guidance on Statutory Certificate and Approval of Documents |
MC-8/2011/1 |
Contact Details for Recipients of Maritime Security Related Communications |
MC-7/2011/1 |
Maintenance & Testing Requirements of Fire-fighting Systems |
MC-6/2011/1 |
Harmonized Voluntary Arrangements for Ballast Water Management (BWM) in the Mediterranean Region |
MC-5/2011/12/2 |
Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) |
MC-5/2011/1 |
STCW Amendments Coming into Force on 1 January 2012 |
MC-3/2011/1 |
Guidance on Marking of Tuvalu Vessels |
MC-2/2011/1 |
Magnetic Compass Adjustment & Records of Deviations |
MC-1/2011/1 |
Requirements on Carriage of Publications on board Tuvalu Ships |
MC-14/2010/1 |
Fire Extinguishing Requirements for Paint & Flammable Liquid Lockers on Existing Vessels |
MC-13/2010/1 |
Guidance on Fire Control Plans & Life-saving Symbols |
MC-12/2010/1 |
Global Positioning Satellite System Equipment |
MC-11/2010/1 |
Approval of Ship to Ship Transfer (STS) Operations Plan |
MC-10/2010/12/3 |
Carriage of Firearms & Employment of Armed Security Personnel for Defense against Piracy |
MC-9/2010/1 |
Mandatory Implementation of International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code |
MC-8/2010/1 |
Guidance for the Recording of Operations in the Oil Record Book Part I – Machinery Space Operations (All Ships) |
MC-7/2010/1 |
Type-Rating Certificate (TRC) for Deck Officers Serving onboard High Speed Craft (HSC) |
MC-6/2010/13/3 |
Mandatory Requirements for ECDIS & BNWAS under SOLAS |
MC-5/2010/1 |
Guidelines on the conduct of Port State Control (PSC) Inspections under revised Marpol Annex VI |
MC-4/2010/12/2 |
Updates to Issues Relating to Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Waters off the Coast of Somalia and other High Risk Areas (revokes 35/2010) |
MC-3/2010/12/3 |
Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) |
MC-3/2010/12/2 |
Ship Security Level |
MC-2/2010/12/2 |
International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code |
MC-2/2010/1 |
Guidelines Relating to the Implementation of SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and ISPS Code |
MC-1/2010/12/2 |
Revision of MARPOL Annex VI and the NOx Technical Code |
MC-2/2009/1 |
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for Oil & Oil Fuel |
MC-1/2009/10/12/3 |
Failure to Apply for Tuvalu Crew Endorsements in Accordance to STCW Reg I/10. |
MC-3/2008/1 |
Anti-fouling Systems Convention |
MC-2/2008/11/12/4 |
Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT) |
MC-1/2008/11/2 |
International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 (Bunker Convention) |
MC-4/2007/12/2 |
Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) |
MC-2/2007/12/2 |
Medical Care On Board Tuvalu Ships and Ashore |
MC-1/2007/1 |
Drawings to be Maintained onboard Ships & Ashore |
MC-2/2006/07/09/10/12/5 |
Minimum Safe Manning Scale |
MC-12/2005/1 |
Actions for Port State Control Detentions |
MC-11/2005/1 |
Instructions for Flag State Inspectors |
MC-10/2005/1 |
International Convention on Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 (CLC92) |
MC-9/2005/1 |
Authority of Recognized Organizations on Port State / Flag State Detentions |
MC-8/2005/12/2 |
Flag State Inspections |
MC-2/2005/12/2 |
International Safety Management (ISM) Code |
MC-1/2004/1 |
P&I Clubs Accepted by Tuvalu |